Why Academy of Natural Therapy is Different From a Community College Program
- Smaller class sizes
- Community College program completion rate is on average lower then 30 percent, our completion rate is on average about 70 percent.
- Each of our classes applies directly to your future career.
- Our Staff and instructors know each student well
- Our Acreditation by the Commission of Massage Therapy Accreditation. So we have the highest quality massage training, not just a watered down overview.
- We help and have experience to help students with emotional, physical, and learning disabilities
- Our students complete an internship that spans their entire program, thereby allowing them to practice as they are learning it.
- Our national MBLEx completion rate is 20% higher than the state of Colarado’s Average
- Our classes are in-depth and have a teacher and text book that directly applies to the knowledge taught. Not just a watered down version.