December Message
Happy Christmas and Merry New Year! I hope it’s a great year-end for you all!
Oddly enough researchers are showing that the holiday season can be a stressful and emotional time. I thought I’d put together some tips for staying focused and being joyful in this season. Maybe make your own list for yourself.
Joy in the season:
- Everyday call and/or text someone you know and let them know they mean a lot to you.
- Drop off gift donation to a needy family or homeless shelter
- Write cards to loved ones-Schedule a “self-care” day: get a massage, take a bubble bath, eat your favorite dessert
- Let stressful things “go”. Know that everything is not meant to be perfect and go with the flow.
- Forgive someone
- Decorate something
- Walk around a lighted park (with family/friends)
- Have a cozy movie and popcorn night-write up a gratitude list (studies show when you are gracious, you are happy)
- Sing songs (singing (even if off-key), it gladdens the heart